Who we are

The WRETF is a not for profit, non-membership organization dedicated to fostering a global culture of volunteering to increase access to education in the science and practice of radiography, radiation and allied subjects throughout the world.


 The WRETF was inaugurated under a Trust Deed by the International Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists (ISRRT) in 1969 and registered in the United Kingdom as an independent charity in 1977. Although Trustee appointments are ratified by the ISRRT, the WRETF functions as an independent charity with no financial support from the ISRRT. In 1992 the E.R. Hutchinson book fund monies were incorporated into the WRETF. The WRETF was originally named World Radiography Educational Trust Fund but the changed its name in January 2015 to more accurately reflect the activities of the organization. Today this vibrant charity is now known as the World Radiography Educational Trust Foundation.


To improve education in the science and practice of Radiography, Radiation Therapy and allied subjects throughout the world.



To empower, develop and enhance radiography knowledge and skills, for the international community of radiographers working in developing countries through providing resources, supporting and sponsoring opportunities.